This is the official Wiki for the Heaven Reborn network!
This network was started with a community from one of the owner's previous servers. We are a Java network and are compatible with Bedrock.
Step into the world of Heaven Reborn, the ultimate Minecraft server where the war between supernatural races rages on! Will you become a vampire or werewolf and wield unholy powers, or will you choose the path of humanity, hunting the supernatural players and mobs with unmatched skill?
Each race offers a unique playstyle, customizable through our talent system that evolves as you level up. But beware—the Hunters will stop at nothing to rid the world of the supernatural, and they are relentless in tracking you down if you go rogue and become Hostile.
We've taken the classic Minecraft experience to new heights with ValhallaMMO, an exciting new plugin that introduces new weapons, armor, skills, stats, and abilities. But that's not all! Our custom terrain plugin adds fresh twists to the Overworld, featuring reimagined vanilla biomes along with 13 completely new custom biomes.
Dynamic NPC economy is driven by supply and demand.
Player-run economy with a variety of ways to buy and sell:
Rentable player stalls and shops in the Human Capital (available every 7 days).
Premium chest-based shops you can run in your claims outside the Human Capital.
Auction house to list your items for sale or bidding.
Capitals for each race, each with unique features and customs.
7 Daily Quests available from the Taskmaster NPC in every capital.
A skill system that overhauls vanilla gameplay, adding new depth and challenges.
Custom Overworld terrain featuring both remixed and new biomes.
Peaceful Mode is enabled by default to protect you from PvP unless you choose to activate Hostile Mode.
Clan system: Team up with friends, make alliances or enemies, and decide whether your clan will be Peaceful or Hostile.
Solo and Clan-based claims with easy-to-use grief protection (no need for Golden Shovels—just select a region like in WorldEdit).
Human Race: Focus on defending humanity against supernatural creatures. After the First Human Inquisition, the war is far from over. Their talents specialize in attacking other races.
Vampire Hunter: Expert at hunting down Vampires.
Werewolf Hunter: Skilled in slaying Werewolves.
Vampire Race: Masters of the night, Vampires have a truce with monsters, require blood to survive, and can even transform into bats. Enhance their powers with life-steal, food-steal, and tanky abilities.
Werewolf Race: Focus on mastering their inner beast and claiming the title of Alpha Werewolf. They’re naturally strong and resilient, with talents that provide immunity to effects and new abilities.
Witherfang Clan: Known for speed and haste.
Silvermane Clan: Known for regeneration.
Bloodmoon Clan: Known for strength.
Friendly Duel System: Fight without consequences! Engage in friendly duels to test your strength using your items, talents, and race abilities—your health is restored after the duel.
Custom Fishing Mini-games to make fishing exciting and rewarding.
Cosmetics to personalize your character and stand out.
Combat Pets: Tame animals to fight alongside you.
Planned Features
Two New Races: Angel and Demon.
Heaven Dimension: A new realm with customized loot, mobs, and bosses.
War Mechanics: Engage in clan warfare with rewards for PvP combat. (Peaceful clans are immune from attacks!)
Want a simple server to build whatever you want in Creative mode? Look no further than our Creative server!
Personal Worlds: Each player gets their world where they can be in either Survival or Creative mode.
WorldEdit access with Gold Coins or becoming Epsilon Rank by purchasing it at our Webstore.
Want a new way to PVP with spells? Maybe you want to team fight as a tank or support. You could also challenge a friend to 1v1.
KitPVP has been custom-coded by the owner from the ground up from scratch for the past 6 years on and off. It's his passion project aside from Survival. It uses custom textures and models to make all the kits feel different.
We plan to make a better queueing system and add progression to the game.
Team Deathmatch Get points by killing the enemy team. The team with the maximum points or the most points by the time runs out wins.
King Of The Hill Gets points by capturing the center objective of the map by standing on it when the enemy team is not there. The first team to get the maximum points from the objective wins.
Capture The Flag Get points by bringing the enemy flag to your team's base. The first team to capture the most flags before time runs out wins.
Payload The red team has to move the TNT Minecart across the map on rails by standing near it when the blue team isn't on it. If the team pushes the TNT Minecart to the blue spawn, they win. If they fail when time runs out, the blue team wins.
Duel A 1v1 mini-game with rules similar to Team Deathmatch, except you have to challenge your opponent with the same kit. First to maximum points or the most points when time runs out wins.
Boss Form your team to play this mini-game. Strong custom-modeled bosses with special abilities await to fight. If your whole team dies, you lose. If your team kills the boss, you win.
Kits With Unique Abilities
Melee Kits Tend to have high melee damage. They need to close the gap to attack.
Ranged Kits Specialize in bows or crossbows to deal damage from a distance.
Magical Kits Prioritize high-ability damage to kill their targets.
Tank Kits Have high health and defensive abilities and can aggro Bosses.
Support Kits Aim to heal and keep their allies alive.
KitPVP Styled Map
Last updated