Claims work a lot like GriefPrevention with its own unique claiming style similar to WorldEdit and you can assign permission to each member of your claim.
If you claim while not in a clan, it is owned by you. You can add anyone to your claim, however, if you're in a clan, the target has to be in your clan.
Selecting A Region To Claim
/claimmode <mode>
When set to MAIN or SUBDIVIDE, you will be able to select your claim. Setting it to DISABLED will disable your claim mode.
Left-clicking a block will select the first corner. Right-clicking a block will select the second corner.
When successfully selecting both corners, if you have view mode on, you can see the outline of the selection. If your claim mode is disabled, you will not see your selection.
Creating A Claim
or/claim create <name>
You MUST have a proper selection to claim. Depending on your Claim Mode, you will create a claim according to it.
Makes your selection a Main Claim.
Makes your selection a Sub Claim.
Turns your claiming status and removes your selection.
Main Claim
A Main Claim is the overall claim for yourself or your clan. Giving permissions to someone in a Main Claim will give them access to the overall claim.
Sub Claim
A Sub Claim is a claim within a Main Claim. This requires the selection to be inside a Main Claim that you have permission to claim in. Giving a specific claim permission to a Sub Claim will give them access to that action only within that Sub Claim.
You cannot have a Sub Claim outside of a Main Claim.
Use Sub Claims to divide the areas you want for others so people don't have access to your entire Main Claim!
View Claim Borders
/claim view
With view mode on, you can see the outline of all nearby claims within 12 blocks. Only positions in the walls of the claim within 12 blocks will be visible.
Managing Permission
/claim addperm <player> <permission>
/claim removeperm <player> <permission>
Adding permissions will access to the player to a certain action within the claim. Removing permissions will remove that access.
Place blocks.
Break blocks.
Break entities like painting, item frames, armor stands, etc.
Break containers like chests and shulker boxes.
Breed animals.
Kill animals if they are not angry.
Right-click with entities like paintings, item frames, armor stands, etc.
Access to open doors, gates, etc.
Open containers like chests and shulker boxes.
Open menus from blocks like crafting tables, furnaces, etc.
Teleport inside the claim.
Modify the permissions of claim members.
Edit signs inside the claim
Kick player off your claim.
Gives all claim permissions.
Remove Claim Member
/claim untrust <player>
Untrusting a claim member will remove all of their access to the claim.
Ejecting Trespasser
Only peaceful players and clans can eject intruders. If you're hostile, you have to force them out yourself.
/claim eject <player>
Ejecting a player that is not a member of your claim will send them to their race spawn.
Last updated