Staff Application Form
The format of this application is subject to change.
Copy, paste, and fill out this template in your Staff Application ticket on Disord to apply.
First Name
Minecraft Username
What role are you applying for?
What experience do you have in a staff team?
What are your skills?
Are you willing to expand your skills?
If a player needs to claim their base, how would you help them?
If a player wants to be a certain race, how would you guide them?
A donor didn't get what they paid for. How would you handle the situation even when you don't have access to the webstore?
There's an argument in the chat. How would you mitigate it?
A hunter is killing supernaturals and some victims are claiming it's unfair. How would you consolidate them?
Oh no, a server went down. What would you tell the community?
You feel a staff member is doing something wrong. Would you approach them or try to seek a higher-up?
Last updated