Clans are similar to Factions or Towny where you can create a clan and make relations and have wars with other clans. Clans can also claim land and set permissions to each individual clan member.
Creating A Clan
/clan create <name>
The max character limit is 16 characters and coloring and formatting are removed. Inappropriate names can result in your clan being deleted by an admin and result in a punishment.
By default, clans are peaceful and cannot be attacked by other players.
Disbanding A Clan
/clan disband
Disbanding your clan will also delete all the clan's claims. Remember this when disbanding your clan! Only the leader can disband the clan.
Inviting New Members
/clan invite <player>
An invitation will be sent to the player if they are online. It will automatically give them the lowest rank set by the leader. You can only invite players if you have the INVITE permission.
Members cannot attack each other or clan allies. If your clan is peaceful, you cannot attack anyone or have any relation to other clans.
By default, Recruit is the lowest priority rank and comes with the TELEPORT_HOME clan permission.
Even though players cannot teleport to claims without the proper permission, inviting new members can lead to bringing unwanted players and will reveal the coordinates to your main claim where the clan home is set to the new member. If the member is malicious, they can use this to inside your clan.
Be careful of who you invite to your clan!
Joining A Clan
/clan join <clan>
You can only join a clan if you have an active invite and will be given the lowest priority rank. You also get assigned the TELEPORT claim permission on all main claims of your clan.
Leaving Your Clan
/clan leave
You can leave your clan at any time, however, being solo will make you vulnerable to PVP. If you are the leader, your clan will be disbanded.
Removing Members
/clan kick player
Removing a member from your clan will remove all their permissions to all of the clan's claims.
Clan Ranks
Ranks are groups used to give permissions so you don't have to keep giving each member their own individual permissions.
/clan createrank <name> <priority>
The rank name follows the same rules as clan names. Priority has to be a whole number.
/clan addperm <rank> <permission>
/clan removeperm <rank> <permission>
Permissions can be added to the rank and then the rank can be assigned to a member if you have the EDIT_PERMISSIONS permission.
Default Ranks
Priority 10
Priority 1
By default, the Leader rank is the top rank. It is given to the leader of the clan but the leader can give the same rank to other members.
When adding new members, they will be automatically assigned the rank with the lowest priority.
Modifying ranks with the same priority or higher as your rank will prevent you from doing even with the proper clan permissions.
Invite new members to the clan.
Claim for the clan.
Remove members from the clan.
Set a higher rank to a member.
Set a lower rank to a member.
Edit permissions of the clan ranks.
Create or delete ranks in the clan.
Set a home for your clan.
Teleport to your clan home.
Open clan vault.
Can add or remove items from the clan vault.
Gives all clan permissions.
Assign A Clan Rank
/clan setrank <player> <rank>
Setting a rank to a member will update their clan permissions. You need the PROMOTE permission if you want to set a rank higher than their current one. You need the DEMOTE permission if you want to set a rank lower than their current one.\
You cannot promote someone to a rank with the same or higher priority as your rank.
Clan Relations
/clan ally <clan>
/clan neutral <clan>
/clan enemy <clan>
When making allies, you send a proposal that the other clan leader must accept. If they don't respond, it will expire in 30 seconds.
When becoming neutral from an ally, there is no need to send a proposal. However, if you're enemies, the other leader must accept your proposal.
When becoming enemies, there is no need is no need to send a proposal.
If your clan is peaceful, you cannot use these three commands!
Enabling PVP
/clan hostile
Only the leader can make the clan hostile. When running this command, you will see a confirmation message asking you to run the command again. Doing so will enable PVP for your clan and clan relations.
Allies and clan members cannot PVP each other.
Neutrals can PVP.
Enemies can PVP.
Clan Home
/clan sethome
Sets the clan's home to your exact location. You have to be within a claim of your clan for this to be successfully set.
You can only set 1 home for your clan.
/clan home
Teleports you to your clan's home.
If your claim was changed and your home is outside of your main claims or deleted your home will fail to teleport you there.
Clan Vault
/clan vault
Every clan has a vault that starts at 1 row. You need VIEW_VAULT
clan permission to open the vault and EDIT_VAULT
to add or remove items from the vault. Only clan members with said permissions can use the clan vault.
Last updated